Tuesday, September 27, 2005 |
now i noe how boring days can be without broadband access.
my home's broadband access got like f***ed up for e last few days, so i couldnt log onto msn or e internet. my goodness,i was soo bored dat i actually took out my sec 4 eng ten-year series and started writin compos.. hehe, i onli started on 1 loh...
anyway, saturday's bA society gathering was not bad lah, had made quite a few friens and even planned 4 a wil wild wet outin dis sat... hmm..not bad lah, e outing, got all e normal ice-breaker games loh..hehe, even met an old MI frien and some new ones...
soo bored at home now, but have already confirmed a job at siam kitchen liaos... most prob will start work at abt oct, so will most prob be bloggin abt my job again...
hehe..gonna go 4 malaysia trip on nov!!! and e best thing is dat i can skip sch!! ai yo, i fell soo evil!
oh yeah, kena TAGGED by evelyn, which means i have to like put up 3 things abt myself which people dont noe abt...hmmm.. ok ,here goes nuthin:-
1) i wanna wanna join project superstar 2)i wanna be a fighter pilot,even though my eyesight is not 20/20 3)i have a secret crush on my sec sch teacher.
yup, dats it! |
nicky ♥ 8:44 AM |
Friday, September 23, 2005 |

got so smitten by e pride show,i wanna pick up ice-skating and ice hockey now!!!
anyway, goin back to work at siam kitchen, dis time, hopefully, wif aaron..haha.. should be rather fun workin back dere again.. 'twas a fun time at clubmarc lah, many thanks to clarissa and valerie for all their help ya.. hopefully, i can like earn enuff money for my ice-skating shoes!!!
*dis post is gonna be short; i wanna watch my vcd liao!* |
nicky ♥ 1:38 PM |
Sunday, September 18, 2005 |
jus signed into msn..onli 2 pathetic ppl online..haiz...decided to blog lah...
was my 1st day of my job at isetan yesterday...haha...not bad lah, ppl were all veri friendly(read:not dat type face black black one)..managers were a couple, e husband was like some korean-usa...like one of e Lost character like dat...wanted to ask where he was from,but on second thought, better not be soo kay-poh lah..oh, met shu jing yesterday while i was at work..she was like,walkin wif her dear like dat loh..haha..finally managed to see him for e first time!! hehe.. quite got fu qi lian lah...haha...i veri gd at dis type of thing one hor..
wah...want e work to end sooner, cos i wanna buy dat pride vcd!!! oso thinking of dyeing my hair to like 5566 de jason's colour..i think dat colour den my dad will accept loh..
ok lah, willl stop writing here for now..mus go bathe le.. otherwise kena late for work..-_-' |
nicky ♥ 3:07 AM |
Thursday, September 15, 2005 |
alright!! e exams r over!! time to go and celebrate!! woo-hoo!!! |
nicky ♥ 10:54 PM |
Monday, September 12, 2005 |
yay!! biz mgt is over!! onli 2 more papers to go! |
nicky ♥ 10:18 PM |
Saturday, September 10, 2005 |
hehe...finally its e weekend!! haha, after mugging like shit for e whole week, finally i get some rest!!!( cham lah, i sound like jc student liao..lei, mus be influenced by u liao...)
caught sharkboy and lavagirl today, wif my bro and cousin.. not bad lah.. e special effects was not bad.. lucky i got wear my contact lenses, otherwise dunno how 2 watch e show.. -_-... den jiu go chiong arcade a while, b4 chiong lan... wah..found dis realli gd place loh.. 1 hr onli $1.50.. some more is still near ps.. next time mus go dere liao..save alot of money.. hehe!!
yay!! 2morrow can go some distant relative's wedding!! haha, if not ah, dis few days realli suay like lao sai loh...go wedding also not bad,at least can gan zou all my bad luck!! 'jiu de bu qu, xin de zhe me lai ne??" hehe...found part-time sales promoter at isetan liao!! e pay's $6/hr, den still got comiision,so not bad lah! at least i can go buy dat gundam seed figurine dat i saw at cathay...
now wad im worried abt is wad to wear for 2morrow's wedding... |
nicky ♥ 2:47 PM |
Tuesday, September 06, 2005 |
yay!! finally got through e BCA practical!! haha.. quite gd lah, considering that my excel damn lan loh... almost got my chart type wrong,until sok hoon told me abt it.. tks alot ah... wanted to start bis mgt revision 2dae, but too sian lah..mus start 2morrow...
was cycling around my neighbourhood dis evening... wah lau.. almost kena knocked down by car loh... heres wad happened.. i was cycling alongside e road, where e long kao cover is... den i chion-ing mah...(if not fast den not shiok)... den my bike ran over e drain cover.. dunno is loose or wad.. my bike jiu lose control like dat... lucky i shou jiao gou kuai, put my legs on the road to stop myself... behind me e car like slow down,look if i'm alright anot... haiz... mus go and check on my bike liao.. but, nuthin's gonna stop me from cycling again!
so suay one,nowadays...dunno if is i fan le xiao ren or something.. nvr mind, i believe dat no matter how suay someone is rite, definitely got revival round one.. if project supersatr got fan shen zhan, den wad abt life? |
nicky ♥ 2:11 PM |
Sunday, September 04, 2005 |
as luck would have it, i didnt get through e auditions. |
nicky ♥ 4:32 AM |
Saturday, September 03, 2005 |
well. its finally time to break e silence. im gonna go 4 a audition organized by mediacorp 2morrow at junction 8, 9am to 5pm.
friens haf all expressed gd wisshes 4 me, so i would like 2 say a big 'thank you' to u guys, whatever e outcome may be... personally, ive practised quite hard 4 e audtion,so yup, im hopin dat everything goes well 4 me tomorrow lah..
and to all those sceptics out dere, its actually harder 2 get through dis audition den e project superstar one.. why? well, firstly, there is a top 20 at e end of all e auditions, instead of the top 24 of project superstar... oso, for dis audition, u would have to memorize 5 scripts, unlike project superstar, where u haf to jus simply memorize 1 song's lyrics..
anyway,on a brighter note, i went 2 mi old sch on wed wif jesse and keefe... wow. changed a lot already loh.. although e secondary side hasnt changed much, e primary side of e sch changed alot liao.. haiz.. went to my old classroom, but it was unfortunately locked, so we could see it from e outside onli... still, i managed to 'take' 1 file and see wad r dey learnin.. gd to see dat lao du is still teschin my junior class...
went to seoul garden for lunch after that.. soo funny sia.. we were like takin turns 2 cook our own food... jesse had cooked some not-too-bad tasting chao mian... damn funny loh, he cracked e egg rite, but the egg spilled into under e tie ban loh.... den i tired my hand at fried rice.. not bad lah,but it ended up 2 become CLAYPOT rice..oh well, at least its edible...
so much fun. yet, its almost e exams 4 all of us. so, "JIA YOU TO EVERYONE!!!" |
nicky ♥ 9:59 AM |
Thursday, September 01, 2005 |
haha...finally managed to upload e damn photos onto mi blog... so, heres my class of TB26, NP 2005! enjoy! |
nicky ♥ 3:19 PM |