It's during a sorta sleepless night as i pen this coloumn- you know, the kind of nights whereby you just couldn't sleep, no mater how much you toss and turn on the bed, trying your darndest to sleep.
Maybe it was the late night dinner I had with J at Plaza Singapura. Between the two of us, we devoured a culet set meal (which comprised of a pork cutlet fillet, bowl of rice, miso soup and cold tofu in a sesame sauce), a set of gyozas fired to crispy golden brown perfection, his plate of curry baked rice, and a dessert of mixed fruits parfait. We did play a few games at the arcade before heading back home; but seriously, the food's barely digested in my sstomach before going to bed. And i always never do such a thing, ever since when i was in secondary school- i went to bed with a full stomach and couldn't sleep for the entire night. Imagine how bad was that.
The topic of studying overseas cropped u once again, in our dinner conversation and the subsequent exchnage of sms-es with another close friend from the polytechnic. The issue this ime was still the same as the one being disucssed before- it was a toss up between a 1.5 to 2 years long degree course in Commerce or Finance at the Australian National University, or a general degree in Arts and Social Sciences at our very own National University of Singapore.My folks at home, not to mention most of my friends, have all told me that NUS ould be abetter alternative as compared to ANU; I can empathize with them and I know that the main reason for saying so- besides the fact that NUS is not easy to get in- is the fac that my family isn't all that well-off to send me overseas to study. But i've already gotten over that fact a long time ago- ever since i saw that my aunt lived in a terrace house along Sixth Avenue whereas i'm a HDB-dweler at Queenstown. Hence, the financial constraints that are keeping me from venturing outside of Singapore to study is understandbale; it makes me really pissed off and such, considering that i wouldn't mind getting an overseas degree for the exposure that i'm gonna get from studying in a foreign country, just like my overseas attachment in Shanghai. True, it only lasted for half an year and i was back all-too-quickly, but still, i managed to have fun and learn some important life skills along the journey.
Suntan session today wasn't all that bad; there was a pretty good sun and i managed to knock out a 18 laps session today at the pool. Not very impressive and certainly not my prime, but somehow, it was either the pre-booking in blues, or the fact that it's a sunday, which made me procrastinate a little and gave myself a 10% discount on my oherwise normal routine of 20 laps in the pool. At least. And i've renewed my interest in getting that kayaking certificate, be it a 1-star or a 2-star one. Note to self: enough procrastinating, enough putting things off til the last minute, and enough laziness. It's high time you get a body that's so much better than what you're having now.
The NS issue has sort of reached a stalemate now: the psychiatrist appointment i had on thursday morning resulted in quite a disastrous manner; i didn't managed to get what i wanted to, which was quite a bummer, considering that the performance i had pulled off tha morning was, in my opinion, quite Oscar-worthy, so to speak. I even cried, for, erm, crying out loud. And don;t give me that crap about its all in my attitude towards NS; believe me, i'm already trying my best and controlling all my emotions for most of the time. If i didn't do so, i would have like really gone insane and get locked up in IMH. Or DB. Or both.
That stupid Dr Tan. and she still exchanged hp numbers with me and wanted me to join this stupid course that costs over $2k. Not unless you get me my items that i want first- then we can start talking about attending some feel-good seminar that costs over a few thousand dollars. Maybe at the end, the only ones that feel good are the organizers of that particular seminar.
Sidenote: Thank goodness for the auto save function. i was keying this blog entry on my bro's laptop when it suddenly died on me for no apparent reason.
But that being said, i'm gonna try another method. I don't believe that what I want, i cannot accomplish. To you, whom i said i'll treat a meal at Rochester Park- don't worry, I'm definitely gonna treat you that meal on my 21st birthday. How's that for a double celebration, hmm? =)
Stupid messenger is STILL not working at this point of time, gosh. :x seriously, like hello? Such a widely used program by almost everyone i know, and they're not doing anything? Ok, that was me ranting mindlessly. Don't mind me. =)
Quite a lengthy post; this should be enough to cover for my absence from the blog for like a few weeks or so. Til the next post then.
Nicky. |
nicky ♥ 6:38 PM |
thought might as well update on my blog since i've a night's out today, all thanks to some dumb exhibition that we were supposed to attend but ended uphaving breakfast at toa payoh hdb hub. =) the perks of being representatives.
the rehearsal was bad news for Ryan- the long hours meant that he would not be able to attend Chase's 21st birthday party, something that he had promised he wouldn't miss for the world. what's more, their current status meant that it wouldn't be nice, it wouldn't be apporpriate for him to miss the party. thankfully, the latest news is that Ryan would be able to make it to Chase's party, albeit at a later time.
"I'll pretend to be Romeo, and walk down the winding staircase of the mansion, ensuring that everyone will be looking at me as come down."
"Yeah, you do that, but make sure you don't trip over the stair and fall down the rest of the way."
"You evil meanie. Do you really want your partner to fall down the staircase and become paralysed for the rest of his life?"
Chase looked straight into his partner's eyes and spoke solemnly.
"I'll take care of you for the rest of your life, should you become bedridden, wheelchair-bound, or whatever-"
Ryan stopped him mid-sentence with a kiss on his lips.
The two lovebirds smiled at each other.
nicky ♥ 8:54 PM |